Artists Aware was started as a way to help artists simply file DMCA Takedowns to get their art removed from unwanted places and out of reach of unwanted persons. We have available Cease and Desist templates as well as DMCA Takedown templates to help artists who find their art in an unwanted place. We aim for artists to be able to take control of their art and copyright protections by providing these items.

This eventually led our fans and followers to notice art being posted online that goes uncredited. Thus we began our longtime job of helping these people find the original artist of the posted works to they could get the credit they deserve. People can contact our Facebook Page with the link where the art is posted and get help with making sure that artwork gets credited back to the correct artist.

And then after a while, artists would bring up issues in the community to us, and we began putting out PSAs [public service announcements] to try and warn the general artistic community of other artists behaving in terrible ways that could be detrimental to others. In our endeavors, we always ask that our readers, followers and fans NEVER contact the people we put PSAs out on. The goal for a PSA is to keep the community safe by knowing who and where the troll/thief/stalker/etc is, so they can be avoided.

We will never engage in trolling banter on your behalf. We also will never doxx anyone. We don’t want to put anyone in real life danger.

If you want help locating the creator of an artwork, please contact us. If you need help filing a DMCA Takedown or Cease and Desist, please contact us. If you know of a community issue and think a PSA is in order, please contact us. Note that we do not just put PSAs out without an abundance of proof – so come prepared to be questioned and have links/screenshots proving your case, or we will NOT put out a PSA.