Stay classy and NEVER contact the subject of a PSA. Report, block, and move on. This information is here so you can proactively protect yourself.

Nads6969 / Nadia Stepputat is a prolific thief and tracer that has now FINALLY been banned from dA and taken refuge in a private page on Facebook somewhere where she screens new “friends.” She traces work from official sources, commissions, and personal art done by artists literally everywhere. She got so many DMCA takedowns against her on dA that deviantART had no choice but to finally ban her despite doing everything in their power to not ban her and avoid the whole situation [which was beyond ridiculous!].

Nads knows what she is doing is wrong and keeps doing it, admits to doing it and not caring how it effects people, actively is told “NO” and does it anyways, and admits she has to leave dA for other sites because of what she is doing…

 A bunch of theft… both tracing as well as design theft: sometimes selling her traces as well…

 Nads theft and tracing knows no bounds. Some overlays by Genetic-Miles on deviantART of yet MORE stolen art and designs.

A short list of dA journals about Nads:

The MASSIVE LIST of artists Nads has stolen and traced from [is larger – these are just the artists we know about – and the list is most certainly growing as she is still out there]:
1. DracheaRannak on FB
2. Sailor-Serenity
3. FireFlea-San
4. Nardack :
5. Tsuki-Kioku :
6. KarolHofman
7. PhiannaRose
8. Valery (ASH) :
9. meago
10. Micpaca02 :
11. しらたき :
12. wildewoodsden
13. Kalisama
14. Pillara
15. Rikeza
16. YoukaiYume
17. unconventionalsenshi
18. Tsuzukikun
19. SarahForde
20. sureya
21. NoFlutter
22. Parue
23. Naoko Takeuchi art (#bless)
24. EkatiCAT
25. Disney art
26. Winx Club/ Rainbow art
27. NeliaViola
28. Marshmallaw
29. punkrockguy
30. FonteArt
31. RafusChan
32. amasugiru
33. VioletCoral
34. kiku-ichi
35. shirataki 
36. chamiko
37. Nakagawa Waka :
38. aruterra
39. Lauren Montgomery
40. lady-narven
41. Foogie
42. ahma
43. てんま :
44. Saki Kunkatan
45. cristalaguamarina
46. HatterRose
47. CrownFoxStar
48. AlexLyre
49. Jijiyama :
50. Yettyen
51. MamaLantiis
52. Eclosion :
53: MiuAyumi
54. starca
55. Pandako :
56. SuzakuTrip
57. Naschi
58. stefanolattanzio
59. Marco Albiero
60. JackoWcastillo
61: Buninou
62. Emilia89
63. kaminary-san
64. ElynGontier
65. sailormoonsacrifice
66. SnowLady7
67. KrisRix
68. Merowynn
69. FallenMessiahX
70. KittyKatKissu
71. SoLoretta 
72. wasenaki :
73. xuweisen
74. Huang xiaoJ :
75. sakura_taichi :
76. Kaminary :
77. Ehime :
78. Mei :
79. YongFoo-ds7
80. SoudWrong
81. sksrlove :
82. Miss0lesya
83. RuruCreations
84. Neko-Vi
85. SessaMyys
86. schillernatalia
87. Cure Nico :
88. tiffanymarsou
89. BluAjisai
90. shimoyo
91. MTToto
92. riccardobacci
93. Christopher Hart
94. ZupZup05
95. RueBird :
96. EmperatrizAyumi
97. kkyyaa2 :
98. Black Dog/ kuroinu-juu (HentaiFox artist)
If a link or site isn’t listed for an artist, they are on dA.